You may need to install Field Force Manager (FFM) app on Android devices using APK file as a certain workaround or in other scenarios according to your needs.
To distribute and install the APK file to install the Field Force Manager app on Android devices, follow these steps:
- Download the APK file from this link.
- Email the APK file or the download link directly to the users from your email.
- Instruct the users to uninstall the FFM app from their devices.
- Users should then open the emailed APK file or download link on their Android devices.
- They may need to approve any security exceptions from Android to allow the installation of the APK file.
- Wait for the app to be installed.
Please note that the exact steps may vary depending on the device's Android version and model. For more detailed instructions on how to install APK files on Android devices, refer to the third-party articles below: