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Adding New Phone Number to Account


You may want to add a new Field Force Manager package to a phone number that will be used by a mobile worker.


Please reach out to your Verizon sales representative or Verizon support (click Chat with us at the bottom of the Verizon support page) to add FFM services for a phone number. You can review the information about available FFM packages on the Verizon website.

Note: FFM service can be added only to a line with a Business plan.


If a customer using a Personal plan cannot add FFM service, you can reach out to Customer Success team to help the customer activate FFM service.


For Business Plan Customers:

  1. Customer will mention that the FFM package is added to their Phone Number such as:One.png
  2. Check CSU for the number 
    1. If the phone is not present in CSU, follow the next steps
  3. Navigate to 
  4. Login to company ID 1 with the credentials from PasswordState.
  5. Navigate to Support > Account Provisioning > View Provision DeviceOne.png
  6. Find here the Phone Number. Check that:
    1. Action says ADD
    2. Phone Number matches the one requested
    3. Carrier Name is VERIZON
    4. Provision Status is "Waiting for Company Assignment"One.png
    5. NOTE: If there are more than one record for the same number, to avoid any problem assign all the records to the same Company by following the same steps.
    6. NOTE: If the phone number is not here, tell the customer to contact Verizon support to confirm they added the FFM package to the number
  7. Click the record and select "Associate Company"two.png
  8. Select the correct Company as requested in the Ticket and click on Associatethree.png
  9. Click OK in the PopUp to confirmfour.png
  10. The rest of the process should complete automatically. You can confirm in CSU after 15 minutes and it should appear

Notes: The parameters not mentioned above should be left with their default values.

This Document mentions the operational part of the process, not the sales validation.



Once the phone number is added to your account, navigate to Administration > Devices from the FFM web portal. The new number should be displayed on the page.


: If you have added the FFM service to a phone number and need to move the number to another company ID, refer to the article Moving Phone Number to Another Account.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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